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Amazing Skin Tightening Treatments That Really Work

As you age, your body’s ability to restore progressively diminishes. Add a host of external factors—such as the environment, makeup,and poor skin routines—to the equation, and you’ll see why your skin health often takes a beating and is fast to age. That said, as the saying goes, age is but a number and there are healthy habits and treatments that can enhance your skin’s appearance.

If you research skin tightening treatments, you’ll find dozens of home-made remedies, over-the-counter creams, gels, and oils that claim to make you look younger and healthier. While many of them might enliven and revive your skin, you’ll probably have to go through a few tubes of product before you’ll find what works for you. Cheaper in the short term, over-the-counter treatments are often a hit or miss that can easily add up to a fat bill. If you’re looking to customize your approach to skincare and identify what approach best suits your needs, schedule an appointment with a dermatologist in Edmonton to discuss your skin treatment options.


Short answer: the effectiveness of a treatment depends on your skin’s unique features and needs. Non-surgical treatments have proven to smooth various skin problems and help firm up lax and saggy skin. Non-surgical skin tightening treatments leave no permanent marks on your skin, are short, require little to no downtime for your skin, and can be reapplied as needed. So what are some non-surgical treatments that give the best tightening results?

Radio frequency treatments use heat to trigger collagen production in your skin. Unlike ultrasound, this technology targets epidermal layers. Often used to tighten the areas around your neck and upper arms, the treatment stimulates the existing collagen deposits in your skin and promotes collagen growth. This technology is behind such brands as Thermi RF, Exilis, Vivace, Thermage, and others . During the procedure, patients experience little to no discomfort and often need a few appointments to achieve the best results. After the treatment, your skin will slowly be releasing collagen resulting in a healthier and younger look.

Ultrasound skin tightening treatments rely on ultrasound waves to heat the skin at certain depths. Commonly used as a go-to method for face-skin tightening, ultrasound has proven to reduce the appearance of fine lines and signs of aging. Along with firming up skin, laser treatment can help eradicate age and dark spots. With side effects being mild and temporary, ultrasound treatments can take from 30 to 90 minutes with results lasting up to a year.

Intense pulsed light and radio frequency treatment uses a special type of light to penetrate deep into your skin and heat up the targeted areas. As a response to this treatment, your skin produces collagen that, in turn, makes your skin look youthful and healthy. Used to smooth out wrinkles, scars, and blemishes, this combined treatment barely requires any downtime.


Side effects associated with non-surgical skin tightening treatments are mostly temporary and mild. They might include redness, warm sensation, and minor swelling. If the symptoms persist beyond the regular recovery time, get in touch with your dermatologist.


No matter what treatment option you pick with the guidance of your dermatologist, revisiting and enhancing your skincare routine might help maintain that healthy young look you got. Avoid direct sunlight immediately after the procedure and never skip sunscreen. Avoid or reduce your consumption of alcohol to allow your body to recover. Don’t pick or scratch your skin, even if get really itchy right after your treatment. Keep in mind that your skin will be more sensitive than usual, so avoid any damage that may cause scarring or unnecessary irritation.

While you should stay hydrated even without any treatment done to your skin, take a few extra sips of water to aid your skin in the production of collagen. It’s true that coffee and tea contain water, but due to caffeine, these drinks can make you dehydrated.

As your skin heals and internalizes the effects of tightening treatments, crank down the heat in your shower and avoid steamy baths. Heat can strip your skin of its natural oils and fats essential to keeping it nurtured and hydrated. Cool or lukewarm water, on the other hand, is a natural skin firmer helping your skin heal and remain toned.